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You’re scheduled to speak, but can’t figure out how to convey your message? Berlin Speaking training will turn you into a keynote-ready presenter and prepare you for the big stage!
Why presentation skills training?
Few things are more nerve-wracking than being booked to deliver a presentation at a conference or major business event. After all, you’re the expert and it’s your ideas that are waiting to be shared with the world. This is your chance to prove yourself to your team, your company, or even your industry. It’s your time to rock the stage with a top-notch presentation!
Delivering a powerful presentation is a multifaceted skill. It isn’t just about putting on a confident voice. That’s the final step in a long journey. Your presentation takes shape at your desk, during your commute, and even in the shower. You want to inject your own personality into the content to bring it to life both for you and your audience — because the more you believe it, the more they will, too. With a well-crafted presentation that is authentically you, you won’t need to put on a confident voice. It’ll come naturally.
You want to inject your own personality into the content to bring it to life both for you and your audience — because the more you believe it, the more they will, too. With a well-crafted presentation that is authentically you, you won’t need to put on a confident voice. It’ll come naturally.
At Berlin Speaking, we know what makes presentations effective. We are passionate about empowering experts like yourself to share their messages. Whether you’re getting ready to speak at a global event, casting your net for potential investors or simply looking for a way to spice up the weekly team huddle, our Executive Presentation Skills training will prepare you to create a solid presentation from the ground up.
Executive presentation skills are the answer if you want to deliver a presentation:
  1. to a management team
  2. in a conference or event setting
  3. to investors or sponsors
  4. to VCs and angels
  5. to new and existing customers
  6. to a workforce
  7. in a job interview
In addition, our presentation training equips you with the necessary skills to communicate effectively in a wide range of contexts. Whether it's convincing in pitch situations, at continuing education, or at a presentation or seminar in which you have to demonstrate your manager and communication skills — you will learn how to present your content in a way that is appropriate to the target group and convincingly.
Our presentation training will prepare you to be confident in any situation and to master your presentations with confidence and professionalism in order to successfully achieve your (professional) goals. Targeted presentation training also reduces your stage fright and improves your body language, facial expressions and gestures to make the best possible impression on the audience.
What do you experience in this Berlin Speaking Training?
  1. Create a game plan — from the initial idea to the finished presentation: In this step, we'll help you develop a structured plan that supports your ideas from concept phase to final execution.
  2. Define the goals and purpose of your presentation: We'll help you identify the main goals of your presentation.
  3. Embed your message and content into an exciting story: We'll show you how to use storytelling to build emotional connections with your audience and make your content more tangible.
  4. Structure your thoughts in an understandable way for the audience: Here's how to present your ideas in a clear and logical order. This makes it easier for your audience to understand and keep their attention.
  5. Bring your own personality to the presentation: We encourage you to bring your individual strengths and personality traits to the presentation to create authenticity and a personal connection with the audience.
  6. Explore effective presentation techniques: Discover a variety of techniques, from body language to visual media use, that enrich your presentation and make it look more professional.
  7. Tailor your presentation to your audience: Learn how to tailor your presentation to the needs and expectations of your audience for maximum impact.
  8. Use targeted rhetoric to persuade your audience: We'll help you master rhetorical techniques that reinforce your arguments and convince your audience.
  9. Fulfill all of your presentation goals: After all, it is about effectively achieving all set goals. Our training gives you the tools to be successful in every presentation situation.
You'll learn how to clearly define the goals and purpose of your presentation and embed your messages into an exciting story. Our effective presentation techniques help you to present your thoughts in a structured and understandable way for your audience.
You practice bringing your own personality authentically to the presentation and use targeted rhetoric to convince your audience. By adapting your presentation to the audience and using body language and gestures, you strengthen your powers of persuasion and ensure an effective appearance. Our seminar also offers you valuable continuing education in communication to successfully meet all of your presentation goals.
Presentation training formats
In group seminars, we provide you and your team with the Berlin Speaking Game Plan — our unique, step-by-step way to create a compelling and insightful presentation. If your team is already working on presentations, they can bring them along and improve them during the seminar. Or develop a new presentation from scratch. We combine all of this with personal feedback so that you and your team have a strong, engaging presentation in the end.
Previous Projects
In preparation for global press conferences, we crafted speeches and TED-style talks for a wide range of speakers, including researchers, directors and CEOs of partner companies.
In close collaboration with the speakers, we co-created several TEDx talks, honed the stage performance, and helped the experts passionately share their ideas in front of a wide audience.
Bernstein Network Computational Neuroscience
How can doctoral students maintain their motivation and procrastination? In my keynote speech at the Bernstein PhD Symposium 2020, I showed doctoral students how they can integrate gamification methods into their everyday work and easily complete their doctoral thesis.
Now’s the time to take the next step in your career and deliver a presentation capable of amazing your audience and attracting attention for all the right reasons.
Optimizing presentation techniques
As part of our presentation training, we focus on improving your presentation techniques. This is about how you present effectively to attract and retain the attention of your audience.
We cover important aspects such as the use of body language, gestures and facial expressions to make your presentation lively and appealing.
You will also learn how to optimally integrate media and visual aids to underline your message and visually captivate the audience. Our goal is to increase your powers of persuasion as a speaker and to help you appear self-confident and competent.
Effective body language for compelling presentations
Body language is a key element for successful presentations. In our presentation training, you will learn how to effectively support your verbal messages through conscious posture, gestures and facial expressions. These non-verbal skills are essential to be authentic and influential in presentations, lectures, or leadership roles.
We offer detailed instructions and practical exercises aimed at sharpening your understanding of the effects of your body language. You'll learn how small changes in posture and facial expression can underline your key messages. Particular attention is paid to harmonizing verbal and non-verbal communication to ensure consistent and credible presentations.
During training, you will learn how to actively involve your audience through the use of body language and create a stronger bond. We explore advanced techniques of nonverbal communication, including the targeted use of space and movement to control audience attention.
You'll also receive individual feedback on your body language, which helps you identify areas for improvement. With optional video analytics, you can see how others perceive your nonverbal signals and learn how to use them more effectively to improve your presentation skills.
Integration of rhetoric and storytelling
An essential part of our presentation training is the integration of rhetoric and storytelling. We'll show you how to use rhetorical techniques to communicate your key messages effectively.
You'll learn how to use storytelling to create emotional and engaging presentations that not only inform but also inspire your audience. This approach helps you present complex content in an understandable and engaging way and build a deeper connection with your audience.
Through our comprehensive presentation training, you will be able to present yourself convincingly and competently in any situation, be it a presentation, a conference presentation or a job interview. You'll learn how to present your messages clearly, concisely, and with the necessary persuasion to win over your audience.