Until the age of 21, I avoided speaking in front of audiences at any cost. Just the thought of being observed by a group of strangers sent the adrenaline pumping through my veins, tightening my breath and robbing me of the ability to talk. And when I did manage, no coherent thought left my lips. It left me embarrassed, my audience disappointed and my ideas dead by the road.
I knew that if I ever wanted to leave an impact on the world, this had to change. And so I began my journey into the powerful world of public speaking. I joined a local public speaking club where I slowly learned how to give speeches, moderate events, and stand confidently on stage. What was once my kryptonite, soon turned into a hobby, then a passion, and now a career.
Today, I am an internationally distinguished speaker, event moderator, and speaking trainer. Working in the heart of Europe’s start-up landscape, I empower CEOs, academics and aspiring speakers to confidently communicate their ideas, generate interest for innovative products and present with a WOW-factor!
It’s my deeply held belief that anyone can transform into an effective and confident communicator. Having gone through this transformation myself, I know first-hand how empowering it can be to discover your voice. Everyone has a story to tell, knowledge to share, and ideas to carry into the world. You deserve your voice to be heard and your thoughts to be understood.
Back when I was studying physics at university, I always dreamed of working at NASA one day. So a personal highlight of mine was to travel to ESA’s (European Space Agency) ESRIN Centre in Italy, where I spent 2 days preparing researchers from all across the globe to pitch their projects and secure funding. (If anyone from NASA is reading this, I’d love to give a seminar for you, too!)
The intent and passion to share knowledge. All rhetoric techniques and best-practices are of little use if you’re not dedicated to helping your audience grow. Whether that’s through new information, perspective, visions, epiphanies, or lessons learned from your personal experience. And confidence. If you want your audience to believe (in) you, they need to sense that you believe (in) yourself.
B.Sc. in Physics, PR & Kommunikation
Storytelling, Delivery, Presentations & Keynotes, Speechwriting
My journey has been powered by following my gut (passion & intuition) and saying “yes” a lot- even when it has led to some painful learning curves.
My first big stop: New York City where I studied and performed as a dancer professionally and earned a Bachelor’s Degree in the Arts. I crossed the Atlantic, and choreographed & toured 14 dance-theater productions, which were recognized with 4 consecutive Theaterzwang awards for outstanding artistic work in NRW (North Rhine Westphalia).
Next big jump was Berlin, where I began working as a speaker coach in 2012 and founded THE bEAR in 2015. THE bEAR is a non-profit organization promoting the Art & Craft of autobiographical storytelling to connect communities - one story at a time.
The need to use my talents, experience, and energy towards making my worlds better in some meaningful way.
To be honest, my favourite project is usually the one I am involved with at the moment. So that would be supporting the 32 international speakers for the main stage at the Creative Bureaucracy Festival, which just took place in Berlin.
Having something worthwhile to say.
Dancer & Choreographer
Great stories, mental strategies, self confidence and core beliefs
I stem from a conservative family where it was important what you achieved. Hence, I graduated from high school, I studied, I had a career. I was very successful, and everything seemed okay, since I was mostly able to ignore the feeling of not being ready for the things I did.
One day I took a shortcut, and accidentally discovered that my view of the world creates a world of its own. That one moment never let me go. My inner compass had begun to search for my true north. And yet: I kept doing things with much effort instead of with confidence. Only after this old habit had led me into the deep despair of a nervous breakdown, was I ready for real change.
I realized that there had always been a lack of self confidence on my side. What I´ve learned about gaining self-confidence since then is so profound, that I decided to support other people to also live the life they want to live with the joy that everyone deserves. The courageous choices of my clients inspire me on my path that connects me to ever new wonders of love, peace and success.
Enabling clients to live their favorite life with ease.
I worked with an elderly gentleman and helped him change his beliefs on money and career. This change enabled him to pitch for funding in order to continue his potentially life-saving medical research.
Encouraging beliefs, suitable mental strategies, skills, fun, practice.
NLP-Trainer & EMI-Coach
Team Communication, Virtual Presentations, Improv & Confidence
Being confronted with a poor job market after finishing university, I took an unexpected path. I got into poker.
What began as a passion turned into a successful 5-year long career as a professional poker player. Experiencing the power of the game to explore, reflect, and learn about topics like decision-making, change, dealing with people, emotions and many more has left a deep mental footprint. Following my idea of pursuing a career as a trainer and sharing my learnings, I ended my poker profession by the end of 2015.
Shortly after, I began a new journey getting a lot of substantial education in communication, coaching, improv theater, and public speaking. Working as a poker coach, in the beginning, I soon focused more and more on corporate workshops and training. With the beginning of the Corona pandemic, a new journey started. The journey into virtual events, training, and workshops.
Nowadays, I'm specialized in highly experiential and playful virtual team events and workshops using the playing field of poker as well as improv theater. With all that at hand nowadays I'm very well-equipped to bring seriously playful workshops, training, and speeches to teams around the globe with just one click!
As Jim Carrey once said, “The effect you have on others is the most valuable currency there is.” This idea, combined with an open attitude towards people drives me. I try to not take myself too seriously, as I'm serious enough by nature. Instead, doing my best to engage with people in an honest, respectful, and fun way. Always striving towards learning something from one another and making the time spent together well worth it.
It was an offsite team event at the poker table 5 years ago in the heart of Bavaria. 14 people form an international sales team. It was a new format I had created, and this was my first time delivering it. The goal was to improve decision-making and teamwork. It went very well and brought a lot of insights for the team, and me, and was a great proof of concept. Most importantly, however, it was the beginning of a great relationship with the team leader that lasts until today. It's a daily reminder to me concerning how I love to do business.
A good communicator has many attributes. He or she: can express his or her thoughts clearly; gets to the point; cares about the person they are speaking to; is always curious about the other’s perspectives; can listen carefully; is ready to adapt and learn quickly. And most importantly to me: a good communicator doesn’t take themselves too seriously.
Sociology at University Potsdam, Professional Poker Player & Coach, Trainer (DVNLP)
Visual design, brand design, motion, web design.
I truly love my job and I believe that design is meant to solve problems not create them.
I worked with a couple who were building their superfood brand and I took care not only of social media but also of packaging and branding,
Graphic Designer