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CONFIDENT speaking Training
Speaking with confidence
Nervousness isn’t just painful for the speaker, it’s also lethal for the presentation! If you want to gain your audience’s trust, projecting confidence will be the key to your success.
Why speak with confidence?
Do you feel a sense of nervousness rushing through your body when you’re about to speak to an audience? We get it. Nerves about public speaking are perfectly normal — an expression of excitement and of our sense of the importance of the occasion — but they can overwhelm us, embarrass us, or just be uncomfortable in a speaking situation – whether that’s during a presentation or just a meeting. So how can you keep your nerves in check while tapping into the positive energy that comes with them?
By building sincere public speaking confidence.
Confidence can make or break your presentation. It’s what gives your audience a sense of security and trust in your ideas. It keeps you resilient in moments of uncertainty and lets you deal expertly with any audience interjections. And it adds power to your words because, when you’re confident, your audience feels confident in what you have to say.
Our Berlin Speaking seminars and training are inspired by our various paths to public speaking confidence and the lessons we learned along the way. Sourcing from a wide range of coaching methods and hands-on training exercises, we help you tackle your nervousness from all angles – alway tailored to your specific situation.
In this way, we teach you to thrive in situations that call for you to master your nerves and portray confidence during presentations. Whether you want to boost your pitch game, get your body language just right, or manage social situations with ease, our Speaking with Confidence training will teach you to accomplish your speaking goals in a way that’s authentic to you and your unique talents.
Is public speaking confidence training right for you?
Training to speak with confidence, you’ll learn to turn uncomfortable nervousness into vitalising excitement, so that you feel more relaxed and confident:
  1. when presenting products and services
  2. when speaking on stage at conferences and congresses
  3. in social situations
  4. when speaking to your team members and colleagues
  5. when pitching to investors
  6. in academic settings
  7. when interjecting your ideas in a meeting
What you’ll learn & develop
  1. Trace the source of your nervousness and overcome it
  2. Build confidence by fostering a strong public speaking mindset
  3. Learn methods to calm nerves
  4. Discover your inner sources of confidence
  5. Understand how your tone and manner affect how others perceive your confidence
  6. Gain confident control over your voice and body
  7. Project your voice for maximum impact
  8. Learn breathing and movement exercises to use before your presentation
  9. Believe in your words
Drawing on various techniques, tricks, and time-tested methods from coaching and public speaking, we guide you on your journey to speak with confidence within a safe, structured environment. We’ll also focus on how you move and communicate with your body, making the seminar and training a very hands-on experience.
Training formats
The group seminars are ideal if you are attracted by the motivation and feedback from your colleagues or team members. Learn more about the format of Group seminars can be found here.
Individual training focuses on your very personal public speaking mindset. Here we explore the sources of your nervousness together and apply strategies that suit you exactly. You can find more information about individual training here: Individual training/coaching.
Both formats can be tailored exactly to your needs, so that you're bursting with self-confidence in the end!